Education Offerings

Beetlejuice Jr.

Rehearsals Begin: First week of June, 2025
Performances: June 26th - June 29th, 2025
Youth and high school performers will have opportunities to participate in this Junior Lakers production. More details on the character breakdown to come!

Age Range: Late Elementary to the High School Level. All performers must be 18 years old or under to participate.

Production Fee: $300 per student, with a discounted rate of $250 per student for families enrolling multiple siblings. This fee covers a comprehensive experience, including a full design team from our Resident Company and a professional Director and Choreographer from New York to lead the project. Modeled after our mainstage productions, this program provides young performers with a gateway to professional training in a fun and well-structured environment, ensuring high-quality production amenities and artistic guidance throughout. 

Excited to join Beetlejuice Jr. but feel a barrier introduced by the fee? We’re here to help! Reach out to us about our work-study opportunities, designed to make participation accessible by reducing the cost. Let’s work together to get you involved!

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Timber Lake Teaches

Timber Lake Teaches is a series of instructional videos designed to empower the emerging Musical Theatre performer. With classes that both develop your technical skills and encourage you to infuse those skills with your individuality, it's about leveling up in a way that feels true to yourself. Getting into a show at every level can feel like an additional skill set and our working professionals will walk you through those aspects. Whether you want to improve simply for the love of performing or turn your passion into a career, Timber Lake Teaches can help you on your path!


TLP Reads

TLP Reads is a series of books read by Timber Lake Playhouse Teaching Artists for parents to use with their children. Partnered teachers from around the country use these videos as a part of their reading curriculum. These books are targeted for primary and elementary reading levels.